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Shabbat Services


Weekly Torah Discussion:

The Torah Study Group meets 9:30 - 11:00 am every Saturday. Due to the COVID pandemic, the Havurah building is closed, and we are meeting on Zoom. 



Discussion is informal and respectful of our tradition. The portion is usually discussed in the context of contemporary, historical, spiritual, political, and cultural themes; how it informs religious practice and Jewish values; and how the Torah relates to our lives today.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Interested individuals can join in the reading/discussion at any point of the year. No reservation or RSVP is required – simply show up!


Before meeting together, group members may independently read or listen to each week’s portion, but it is not required. We read from various translations, and we also screenshare a translation on Zoom during the discussion. If you do not have a Pentateuch or Tanakh at home, you can find links to the weekly Torah reading (parshah) in our Monthly Newsletter, at  or .


Fourth Friday Kabbalat Shabbat:

We welcome Shabbat together at 7:00 pm on the fourth Friday of each month. Lay leaders engage us in a musical, meaningful, and fun evening together. Watch the announcements on the  home page  and the Monthly Newsletter for details!

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